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A dry shampoo without the added risky ingredients of traditional aersol dry shampoos. Eliminate the risk of build up and cloggin your follicles by using this scalp friendly option.


Eliminate excess oil, build body, create texture and renew second day hair with this foam to powder dry shampoo. Tapioca starch and witch hazel pull oil. Certified Organic honey adds body and shine.


Ideal for all hair types and textures

Fragrance note: Orange, tangerine

Refresh Dry Shampoo Foam

SKU: 0852415001864
  • "THIS is how you do a dry shampoo! My biggest challenge in the past with dry shampoos was they were a challenge to apply with any sort of precision, and usually left hair looking matte and feeling coated. Refresh is a game changer. The hair still keeps its shine, and the scalp actually feels clean and light. The best part is how effortless the application is...clean volume and texture, literally all at your fingertips." 


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